
Love & Marriage

At this point, I am even a bit tired of mentioning anything about we celebrating our 5th anniversary. But I still have to say tonight was a perfect night to end our 3 days anniversary celebration trip in Brasada ranch resort.

Per my usual standard, I dressed up myself with a colorful dress with intent of lighting our the high dessert with some colors. I even dressed brian with his new Hugo boss polo shirt I forced him buy it. So we both look formal and appropriately dressed for our dinner.

























































































The time we arrived at the fancy restaurant of the ranch resort: Range Restaurant & Bar (more info about this restaurant and chef, click this

link: ) was a perfect timing. The sun is just getting ready to sunset. We had eaten there the night before so we already know the chef there is extremely good. We ordered the “spicy lentil soup” again off their special menu, fried nochi salad as starter, brian ordered steak for main course and I ordered rockfish with rice and shrimp. Somebody even ordered a margarita , it will just be too wrong not to order any wine or cocktail in such a beautiful evening…… The sky was a bit mix of orange and pink, red, sun was reflected in the little pond near outside of the restaurant. The cloud together with all the smoke from forest fire added very interesting layer and color to the sky, which made today’s sunset best sunset both brian and I have ever experienced up till this minute of our life.

After dinner, we sat on one of those very comfortable low chair to enjoy the cool breeze but still right temp for being outside. Brian and I started to recall our memories of our past anniversary celebrations:  

1st year anniversary (Planned by Brian): A 2 days trip to Las Vegas that brian surprised me by inviting his best friend Chris and his wife tami join us for the celebration

2nd year anniversary(Planned by Brian): A wknd trip to Crater lake by camping. I also tried marsh mallow for the first time in fire during this trip. This was also when I slept on one of the air mattress we took us for the camping that air was leaked out during the night. I woke out in the middle of the night thinking we were getting flooded or something : ). We also decided from this year on, we both will rotate to plan our anniversary celebration.

3rd year anniversary(Planned by me): French dinner at LA pigeon and then surprised brian by taking him to Avalon hotel to stay over night (I packed all his stuff secretly). We ended up getting our room upgraded to a gigantic suite room with huge living room, outdoor deck, kitchen and big big bedroom suite. I almost decided to call up some friends to join the celebration and stay over night.

4th anniversary(Planned by Brian): a wknd trip to Oregon dune, which was a place with exotic view of ocean in one side and the other side endless sand dune. Was a bit scary trying one of those race car up and down the dunes but still was a lot of fun.

Brian and I have this tradition in our marriage that we will rotate to plan our anniversary celebration each year. This year I was supposed to plan sth but I successfully persuaded brian he should be in charge because this is a special 5 year milestone!

Our celebration of 5 year kind of got 2 rounds of celebration: 1st round with friends and brian’s families (they happened to visit us) at the Ninth Hotel’s Urban farmer restaurant last wknd; 2nd round just brian and I at Brasada Ranch Resort in Powell butte, oregon, which is where we are right now. : )

From the time we arrived which was about 1pm today till now 10:46pm. We have only been here for 10hrs or so, but we have crazily felt in love with this place! Allow me tell you why.

Resort itself is situated on 1,800 acres just northeast of Bend, Oregon. It provides unmatched panoramic views of the Central Oregon high desert and Cascade peaks beyond. The resort contains guest rooms inside of ranch house, also ~100 different cabinets. Facilities in this place includes: 1 adult pool, 1 kids pool with slide, 2 tennis court, 1 19 holes golf course, 1 sand volleyball court, half basket ball court, kids playground. Recreation center includes gym room, yoga room, kids play room, rotating climbing wall, table tennis, snowboard simulation game, wii-game, movie room ….etc. 1 spa center, 2 restaurants both with amazing views and fire place seating areas. Food at the main restaurant are amazing. We just had dinner there tonight , everything was delicious, service was very good too!!

Today we went for a hike right after we checked in even I was so enjoying the beauty and amazing design of the room we stay in (THe name of room is “Broken top”, which we believed it is named after the mountain we can see from our room. It is room No.4, which we were told it is the best room in the ranch house). The hike took us to the “Spiritual Rock”, where we can see all 4 mountains in one view: Mount Hood, Mount 3 sisters. We did a 15 mins meditation by sitting on a bench on spiritual rock. That was a very peaceful and mindful of 15mins! Coming back from hiking, we went straight to swimming pool. Pool was very well designed with lots of seating space and interesting rocks in the middle of the pool to create more privacy and area for people. And we even went played the water slides. Gosh, can’t remember when was last year I played water slide! You would think after 4hrs driving to here plus the hike and swimming, we should be pretty much done for the day right? Hee, hee we went to play table tennis for 2 games and followed by volleyball playing and over head serving practice. I have to thank Brian for teaching me how to serve overhead call. Even though I played volleyball in college, I never learned how to do overhead serve! Finally after all of these, my energy went down so we came back to the room to enjoy the sunset view from our deck. Beautiful sunset with beautiful people, another great moment of life to be memorized!!!

Tomorrow, we are going to enjoy our spa at the resort, play some golf and tennis, more swimming for sure…… another exciting day to further explore this amazing resort!!!!

Here are some pictures to share:

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Brian left for Taipei for a biz trip yesterday. I sent him to airport late in the afternoon, quickly kissed good-bye and I drove home, thinking life continues…………

Last night, I went to bed around 11:30pm, locked all the doors behind me and turned on alarm.

First, I woke up at 4am, which I almost shocked myself. I haven’t woke up in the middle of a night for a while.  I kept thinking why I woke up and then I finally realized it must have something to do with Brian being away……..

I tossed and turned for a while and I finally forced myself to sleep…….And it was when this terrible dream started:

For some reason, brian and all of my families are taking a boat ride to somewhere really far. Brian and my dad were sitting on the deck talking, in a sudden my dad pointed out to brian saying: “hmm, our boat is supposed to go the other direction, why the boat is turning towards Thailand and it is getting really close to the shore!! In a sudden , all the crew who worked on this boat came out to the deck with baseball stick on their hand. They started yelling at people, asking people to leave the boat by jumping into the water to walk up to the beach……. And whoever acted slow or not following order, they  use the baseball stick hit people to force them leave.  Sister and I were together holding hand at that moment, we stepped back when those crew member approaching us, and right before they raised their baseline stick trying to hit us, we both jumped into the water… I wanted to stop to wait for brian or other family members to find out where they are, whether they have jumped, but those crew members were so horrible , they threatened to beat us if we look back…..

So I walked, walked and some how we reached a building and we walked all the way downstairs till the bottom floor, where we stopped and desperately waiting for the rest of our families to show up. First I saw my mom, then I saw my brother walked down with a cousin of mine who is holding my sister’s baby daughter on his hand , lastly I saw my dad walked down slowly with some wound on him………The whole time while sister and I was waiting for families, i was crying hard, and when I saw father walked down alone without brian, my tears not only coming out of my eyes but also from everywhere in my body, I almost fainted, and I was crying really loud and hard………..

At this time, some officers from US embassy showed up, and they got a name list of everyone who were supposed to be on the boat, and I walked out to them yelling, there is still one more american named Brian XXX is still not off boat yet, please help him , please go get him!!!!!!!!!……..

And I woke up…….. with a broken heart…..

My chinese doctor has been giving me these herb medicines to help me quiet my mind when I go to sleep, which certainly didn’t help last night! But on the other hand, i was also kind of happy that I had that dream, because it helped me realize again how much I actually love my husband!!!It is strange that when you mentally think you will not miss someone, but in your subconscious or in your body, that person has become part of you without you realizing,  and you DO miss them indeed, you just don’t know it……

In china, there is a saying: you dream of what you are thinking of during the day….

Oct, 1st 2010 is another ordinary friday, but something really extordinary happened……

As normal, hubby woke up very early in the morning for his early morning work meetings. Around 8am, he came back to the room and opened the curtain a bit per my request the night before so I get bright light to force myself get up for work.

He took shower quietly and then he left for work……

I woke up half sleep, half waken, pressed my palm onto the bed to push myself up, guess what I found in my left palm??? —— A house warm(ok, a little background story, I always forget to wear socks at home which results in very old feet throughout the day. And my doctors have warned me many times I have to learn to wear socks to keep myself warm especailly my feet! So hubby started to always remind me to put on socks but overtime I still forget from time to time) sock right on my palm, which means he placed the sock at the exact spot that I will push to get myself out of the bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I haven’t mentioned this to hubby at all, and now he has left to Asian for another 1wk of business trip in Japan and Taibei. Thought this will warm up his heart while he is away in another country missing me!

I don’t have to tell or convince the world how much my hubby loves me, but for this little detailed thing he did I think what he has done for me is probably way beyond love, there is something deeper there which I don’t know how to describe, or how to explain!
But what I know is I have an EXTRODINARY husband, which I know I will use the rest of my life to cherish and love!!

Love you dear!

同事间昨日闲聊,Lynn突然间说道我现在唯一的话题就是婚礼。。。我停顿了一下,刚听到时有点诧异但仔细一想又何尝不是? 一直以来,我都是繁忙地穿梭于各种不同的事务间,不知从什么时候如何筹备一个完美的婚礼就成了我生活的重中之重!


人,经常都在不知不觉中就完成了很多角色的转变,完成了很多生命阶段的改变。从我接受他的求婚的那天开始,我就一直再为如何设计一个特别,欢快,让人终身难忘的婚礼而忙碌着!而我,也不再是往日那个生活缤纷和活动多多的我了。开始花钱买很多有关婚礼的杂志,开始经常上一些关于婚礼的bbs去看,挖掘别人婚礼精彩出跳的东西,开始在每个周末奔跑在各家婚纱店之间为自己寻觅嫁衣。。。。。。很多人都问我,为什么我要把婚礼搞的这么隆重,完美,我记得我的回答是这样的:难得接一次婚,怎么能不弄的好一点!朋友听了,笑的俯前仰后,可是细想又何尝不是呢! 人这一辈子,最完美的就是接一次婚,既然本身就是一件完美的事,我又有什么理由不让它完美呢!?


很多女孩子都对自己的婚礼有很多的梦想。我的一个朋友就告诉我说,她曾梦想让一个和她同年同月同日出生的儿时伙伴成为童话里的公主王子牵手走进婚礼的殿堂;我的还有一个朋友就曾告诉她梦想他的老公会在婚礼上给她带来一些惊喜,还有一个朋友说我希望我的老公在婚礼上大声说他要爱我一生一世。。。。。。是啊,都是些多么美好,温馨和浪漫的梦想!! 而我的梦想就是让作为让这些美好梦想付诸现实的载体的婚礼仪式,成为唯一,成为永恒!要让那些美好的一个一个瞬间都化作一幅画,一首诗,和一支歌永永远远的被记录在被一个人的心中!


和老公刚刚建好了一个space的空间,用来发布所有我们婚礼相关的一些内容。让所有被我们邀请的客人尤其是需要travel的来宾,时刻了解所有重要的信息,也给他们提供一个空间,让他们提问以便于我和老公可以更好的帮助他们安排好行程!空间的地址在此: 请大家光临指导! (第一次登陆需要想我们申请权限)




对于婚礼程序的设计现在正在如火如荼的展开,除了我的两个司仪David和周怡大力相助以外,最近我还找到一家给谢晖,吉雪萍等名人作婚庆的一家叫尊御鸿典Jacky他们的首席司仪和婚礼设计师看起来似乎挺有想法,于是我在这周二的晚上就和他接触了一下,把大致想法和他沟通了一下。希望2周以后他做出来的第一个方案不会让我失望,否则我就只好又回到我的原计划,那就是一切自己来罗!!! 不过那样的话,我的那帮Social club的好朋友就要辛苦了!!呵呵!

